The Future of Freight
June 6, 2018
Recently Polaris Transportation Group’s President, Dave Cox and Chief Technology Officer, Dave Brajkovich attended the BiTA and Transparency 18 conference in Atlanta. The seminar was equally interesting and insightful with the inclusion of key leaders speaking to the evolution of Blockchain within the transportation industry.
An exciting perspective from a financial position was that of Don Tapscott, CEO of The Tapscott Group, Co-founder and Executive Chairman at Blockchain Research Institute. Don spoke about how Blockchain will influence and change the face of supply chain and logistics transactions, considering it is one of the largest vertical market spaces globally. From his perspective, Blockchain will ultimately revolutionize the way of doing business like the “car did for the horse”. The focus is still the same to get from point A to B however it’s the end results and experiences that make the difference.
Each leader on the podium had the same opinion that although Blockchain is in early development, the early adopters will become the leaders in setting the pace for the industry. Late adopters will have little choice but to join or cease to operate in the fast-paced world of unified cloud computing where “co-ompetion” will be the new way of doing business. Transparency will become the new expected norm for B2C and B2B transactions. Consumers and clients will expect full audit trails to be provided from the source of manufacture to the delivery cycle and everything in between.
This is completely in-line with Dave Cox’s vision of the transformation of Canadian and US trucking. A culture shift is already underway at Polaris as we continue to work towards providing these expected, enhanced client experiences and aim to position ourselves as a leader in the industry.
More about the Blockchain in Transport Alliance’s (BiTA) Spring Symposium is available here: